Yahoo!!! I am finally finished decorating! I cheated this year and begged for help and decorated as little as possible. My wonderful mother-in-law and sister-in-law came over last week and helped me get my decorating done. My mother-in-law should have a Masters degree in Interior Decorating. She is amazing!! My little house (that has a little house payment) doesn't have a lot space to move furniture or add a lot of extra decor. But Darla is so creative that she helped me change it up so I felt like I had a new house. Thanks Dar so much!! And poor Erin...she was kind enough to help me clean and get organized. I am sure she wanted to throw up a few times when cleaning the kitchen. It was amazing watching my kids actually do what she asked them to do. Jordan actually cleaned really well for her. He won't lift a finger for me. Little stinker. Thanks Erin for showing me that Jordan can really clean. Oh...and thanks for the little 'lecture' to the boys on how to help out. I loved it! You are awesome!!
We bought a new Christmas tree for this year. I thought the one we got was a white-light one but when we pulled it out of the box it was a multi-colored one. I was bummed but when the lights on the top half wouldn't light up I was excited to take it back. We bought the one I wanted and got it decorated. The kids were excited and Austin kept trying to blow the lights out. Silly boy! I didn't put any ornaments on it this year. Living with Mr. Destructo Man guarantees every ornament will be chewed up, lost, or found through out the whole house for the next year. I me lazy, I'm just not up for that this year. I bought a cute little Fisher-Price Nativity set so the kids could play with it and not worry about it breaking. My little Austin has lost almost every piece since I put it out. Oh well.
Now I just need to get the rest of my shopping done, finish wrapping, send out my Christmas cards and I can sit back, relax and remember the whole reason for the season.
My saving grace! Thank you!
Silly boy!
Big helper! Not!
Send me the bill!
Ta Da!!! Looks great!