I know we have been counseled to not use the word 'proud', but after attending Tithing Settlement with my little family the other night, I don't know how to express my feelings any other way. I haven't been very good about teaching my children the importance of paying tithing. When they earn money or something, I remind them to give %10 to the church and help them figure out how much they need to give. But, I am not good at following through and making sure the money is given to the Bishop. So, Tuesday night I reminded Tyson he had made $40 raking leaves from the neighbor and picked Jordan's brain if he made any money or not. I don't think he did....he is the laziest little boy I have ever met. We sat in front of the Bishop and declared what type of Tithe payers we were. Of course, Jordan and Austin were Full-Tithe payers because they don't have any money but when it was Tyson's turn I got tears in my eyes. The Bishop asked him if he was a Full-Tithe payer, a Part-Tithe payer, or a Non-Tithe payer and Tyson said he was a Part-Tithe payer. He gave the Bishop the $4 from doing leaves and said he had made money earlier in the year and didn't get the tithing payed like he should have. The Bishop talked to him about taking the %10 out first before anything else is spent then next year he could say he was a Full-Tithe payer. Tyson said he would do that and would make that his personal goal. I stood there with my mouth hanging open. I know Tyson is an honest person but what an awesome example. That took a lot of courage to tell the Bishop that he fell short. Tuesday night he showed me that I can learn just as much from him as he can from me. I love ya Tyson and I am 'proud' of you!
What a good mom you are to even make sure they go to tithing settlement. I've never taken my kids...but that really is a great idea.
That is so sweet. You are a great mom Kami.
Tyson, I hope my boys grow up to be like you!! Got tears in my eyes over that one
You guys are great parents! Keep up the good work. We need good, honest young men!!
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